- How is it used? Where are the OS and applications? What actually are my CF and SD Cards? 如何使用呢?操作系统和应用放在那里?我的CF和SD卡到底是什么?
- Tom: That's wonderful. How is it used? Jack: When you catch a louse, just put a little of that drug on its mouth and it will die immediately. 一种新药杰克:我发明了一种新药能有效地杀死虱子。汤姆:太棒了。怎么用呢?杰克:你捉到一只虱子,只要在它嘴上抹一点这种药,虱子就会死去。
- How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane? 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?
- How is it you have the means to travel, Mr. Dawson? 那么您是怎么付得起旅费的呢,道森先生?
- How is it that we were able to manage all that? 那个时候为什么能这样做?
- How is it that you can never get here on time? 为什么你总是不能按时来呢?
- What Is Twisted Pair, and Why Is It Used? 什么是对绞线?为什么要用它?
- How is it that you wish to leave for good? 你自动么会想到要永远离开呢?
- What is a copy constructor? When is it used? 什么是复制构造函数?何时使用它?
- How is it different from editing live action? 这和指导现场拍摄的电影有什么不同呢?
- What Is Saliva and How Is It Made? 唾液是什么?它是如何产生的?
- Zina: Are you still mad about your nose? How is it? 还在气你鼻子的事啊?鼻子还好吧?
- Guys, how is it going? What did you do today? 伙计们,过得怎样?今天做了些什么?
- How is it designed to meet the throughput goals? 它的设计是否达到吞吐量目标?
- How is it different from Dandelion Root? 它是如何从不同蒲公英根?
- What Dao is it?Is it used in army or yamun?I'm eager to know it. 这到底是把什么刀?是军中所有还是衙门所有?楼上的急死我了。
- How is it driving without traction control? 没有牵引力控制系统驾驶起来感觉怎么样?
- The corner is piled full of aluminum powder, what is it used for? 墙角堆着这么多银粉,准备做什么用?
- How is it that the umbrella has come apart? 这把伞怎么已经散架了?
- How is it that we never ran into one another? 我们怎么从没碰过面?